10 Sustainable Development Goals

Libraries used in this chapter.

10.1 Share of renewable energy

Let’s see at one key dataset about SDGs: the share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption by sector.

For example let’s at Austria’s perfomance during recent years:

Energy balance (nrg_bal) column might contain the following values:

## # A tibble: 4 × 1
##   nrg_bal    
##   <chr>      
## 1 REN        
## 2 REN_ELC    
## 4 REN_TRA
variable meaning
REN Renewable energy sources
REN_TRA Renewable energy sources in transport
REN_ELC Renewable energy sources in electricity
REN_HEAT_CL Renewable energy sources in heating and cooling

Now let us look at the three sectors:

Or, with bit editing of legend text:

Plotting the data in separate columns:

This is a ungly plot. You may have seen it (or something similir) elsewhere, but it is better to avoid it. A simple panel of three individual plots in cleaner and preferable:

What if we want to compare two countries, let’s say Austria vs its big neighor: