Calamity of Brain Drain: is the devil as ugly as he is painted? Linas Cekanavicius and Gindra Kasnauskiene (Vilnius Economics)

During September 21-28 2016 we had the honour to host two visiting professors from Faculty of Economics, University of Vilnius:

Gindra Kasnauskiene

Linas Cekanavicius
Better a brain drain than brain in the drain

They gave an open public lecture on Monday 26: Calamity of Brain Drain: is the devil as ugly as he is painted? (slides of the presentation attached).

Also Prof. Linas Cekanavicius delivered a lecture about: Tar or Honey? On the Best Cure for Recession Debate and Prof. Gindra Kasnauskiene a lecture about Economic Challenges of an Ageing Population.

All lectures left very positive feelings to the audience. We hope to have them back soon.

Linas Cekanavicius

Gindra Kasnauskiene

Gindra Kasnauskiene - Linas Cekanavicius

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